====== TextStorm Plugin Development ====== ===== Plugin Structure ===== If you are developing a plugin, please start with the following structure to ensure compatibility. Download the PHP file, rename it, and put your code beneath the foreach block! Be sure to change the plugin installation SQL too! ModCoins(); function YourFunctionName($db, $user) { //This simple block below means users can modify your plugin, rather than using a specific term such as "Pirate" //You can use $subtitle1 instead so the user can change it to what they would like in the Plugin Administration $pluginused = $_GET["page"]; $getcustinfo = $db->query("SELECT * FROM menu WHERE pagename = '$pluginused'"); foreach($getcustinfo as $row) { $pagetitle = $row["ptitle"]; $subtitle1 = $row["subtitle1"]; $subtitle2 = $row["subtitle2"]; $custatt1 = $row["custatt1"]; $custatt2 = $row["custatt2"]; } } ?>